New GMP+ FSA & GMP+ FRA logos now available to download

The new GMP+ FSA and GMP+ FRA logos are now available. You can use the logos as described in F0.1 Rights and Responsibilities.

You can download the logo's here. Or go to the helpdesk page under frequently asked questions. The requirements how you can use our logo, can be found in the F0.1 - Rights and Obligations, chapter 5.

The existing GMP+ FSA and GMP+ FRA logos will be gradually phased out. There will be enough time to organically update/adapt your materials. We aim to complete the switch by September 2026.

Why have we changed the logos?  

We have brought the GMP+ FSA and FRA logos more into line with the GMP+ International logo. In doing so, we are matching the logos with each other better and increasing recognisability.